We already know WordPress is top blogging platform and millions of bloggers use WordPress professional themes and plugins for their website development. Most of bloggers don’t know about what bitnami is it and Why we want to use bitnami?

Bitnami application holds thousands of free and paid services. They are powerful and comes under with cloud support.

bitnami wordpress cloud

bitnami wordpress cloud

Bitnami WordPress

Webmasters and Web developers can run their website on cloud services with single click of bitnami software. bitnami uses stacks to store applications. It support virtual machine and cloud services.

you can use bitnami as local service by using native bitnami installer software. apache server is the core behind bitnami and works along with MySQL as database system.

PHP 7 with WordPress

WordPress PhpMyAdmin is common database system to manage all sql queries. and it runs with php version 7. Php version 7 is more faster and secure than php 5 and 6. You can easily run your WordPress with php 7 core.

PHP 7 fetches 300 transactions per second while old php 6 fetches only 150 transactions. php 7 double your WordPress website speed and performance instead of using any cache systems.

Bitnami PHP Framework

Laravel and code igniter frameworks are made faster transaction with bitnami support.Laravel and code igniter ar not CMS(Content Management Systems) its Frameworks built under php codes.

Frameworks are used to build cms and other web applications. so don’t confuse yourself with framework and CMS (wordpress, joomla)

Bitnami offers Free cloud hosting services for a month. you only paid for what storage you use in cloud.

Bitnami support all types of cloud systems and its major popular on

  • Google cloud host
  • Amazon web services
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Oracle Cloud
  • Godaddy hosting.