Most of bloggers/web-developers forgot to create bing webmaster account and also they never submit site-map to bing. They are concentrating only on google webmaster search console to increase the Page Rank.

Microsoft Bing-bot

  • Microsoft own bing webmaster tool and powered by yahoo search engine.
  • bing generates 10% of search visitors
  • yahoo generates 3% of search visitors
  • yandex and other search generates 1% of search results.
  • Google generates 86% of search visitors.
  • In 2016 bing webmaster tool is most important to rank website/blog.

Two benefits are there in bing account

  1. bing uses yahoo search engine algorithms to rank.

     It will increase the site index in yahoo search results

  2. bing keyword planner is most powerful than paid keyword planners.

    It will shows clear keyword report and keyword searches

Local search rank:

Bing is powered by yahoo. once the sitemap is submitted to bing, your website is fetched by two crawlers 1.bingbot bot. yahoo bot index webpages for local site listening as well as yahoo search results.

Note: For Google local search, Webmasters/bloggers must create google plus account and google plus page.

Steps to Create Webmaster account in bing
  1. open bing webmaster tool in browser
  2. create Microsoft account to login
  3. sign in to bing with Microsoft account
  4. add the website url
  5. copy and paste bing meta tag code in webpage page for site verification.
  6. submit sitemap to bing.