You might be shocked to see the search history of iPhone users from yesterday! Yes! The new update on iOS Search app is rolling out among iOS users with Google Lens.

You can make use of this New Visual Search Tool in the Google Search App in order to know more about the product or the relevant information about the image you capture. On tapping the Google Lens icon on the right of your Google Search bar (which is left to microphone icon), you will be directly taken to the phone’s camera. You don’t even have to take a snap of it, just focus and tap a thing, a building, books, an animal, a flower or even your favorite dog, Google will identify and all the related search results will be popped up.

Here is a glimpse of how you can make a visual search,

Step 1:


Step 2:


Step 3:


Though Google Lens has been released in the past year, the image recognition app is included yesterday in iOS Google Search bar. As of now, this update has been included only on iOS, and soon it is to be introduced in android phones too. If you own an Online Business, definitely this new extension will add items to the carts and benefits business with more Sales. So if you have your product’s picture rightly captured in perfect angles, you can make more business with this update.